Thursday, May 19, 2016

Visual Concept Development: Australian Government

Throughout Term 1 and 2 of this year, the Year 6 students have been studying the unit 'Australia as a Nation' as part of the new Australian Curriculum syllabus of History.

We spent Term 1 learning about migration and federation and the very early beginnings of our nation. In Term 2, our focus is firmly on Democracy and Government. This will be complemented by our trip to Canberra next week, to which the students are very much looking forward!

It can be quite difficult to develop the concept of the Australian Parliament and to understand how to link ideas together. To make it simpler, we investigated the concept of sketchnoting - a visual representation of an understanding. You can read more about sketchnoting, as well as see videos and examples of sketchnoting on this blog.

To begin with, we viewed a video that outlined the voting processes to install a Federal Government, how Government is formed and the role of different individuals with the Australian Senate and the House of Representatives.

Students enjoyed the session and were excited to continue with sketchnoting if the opportunity arise in another unit. Below you will see some examples of student sketchnotes about Australian Government. This is just the beginning as students refine their visual thinking skills as well as learn to

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoying reading about your learning in Year 6 and wishing you well for Canberra! Keep up the great work!
